Huda Sultan Collection
Generations after the peak of her storied film career, Egyptian actress Huda Sultan remains one of the most beloved entertainers from the Golden Age of the Egyptian Cinema. Her career was defined by stories that were uniquely daring for the time and she was unafraid to play roles that were provocative, tawdry, cunning, and yet still sympathetic. Her ability to be feminine but appealingly complex empowered filmmakers to tell stories that explored the boundaries of tradition.
Her stunning looks and smoldering sensuality invited titillating roles: the seductress, the scorned lover, the singer-entertainer, the woman out for revenge. However, it was her powerful acting talent that allowed her to transcend the typical limits these roles defined. To women, she was an icon of powerful femininity because of her characters' flaws, and to men she was intensely desirable despite them.
Most of the posters in this essentially-1950s collection are scarce and many are in fact one-of-a-kind, just as Huda Sultan was utterly unique as a film performer.
Further reading: Huda Sultan: The Power of Captivating Charm

Hamido - حميدو

The Mistake of a Lifetime - غلطة العمر

Arms Market - سوق السلاح

Platform No. 5 - رصيف نمرة 5

Abo El-Dahab - أبو الدهب

For Whom Is Your Love - لمين هواك

Woman on the Road - امرأة في الطريق

Men's Huntress - صائدة الرجال

Love and Flirtation - حب ودلع

End of the Road - نهاية الطريق

Glory - المجد

Kahraman - كهرمان

They Made Me a Criminal - جعلوني مجرماً

A Bandit - قاطع طريق

The Rule of the Strong - حكم القوي

Written on the Forehead - مكتوب على الجبين

The Marital Dwelling - بيت الطاعة

The Malcontent - النمرود

It Happened One Night - حدث ذات ليلة

The Midnight Driver - سواق نص الليل

The Secret of a Woman - سر امرأة

The Gypsy - الغجرية

We Are Human Beings - نحن بشر